As well as providing a holistic range of support in school, we wish to empower everyone in the school community to support themselves or find support for themselves. Therefore, please utilise the following links that will take you to a broad range of resources and services, which you may find useful.
Staying Safe Online
Mental Health, Wellbeing and Resilience
We have created a list of common issues faced by young people and ways in which they can help themselves or someone in a similar position. Click on the link to access these mini self-help guides.
- 10 ways to manage MOBILE PHONES
- 10 ways to face ANXIETY
- 10 ways to face LOW MOOD
- 10 ways to face ANGER
- 10 ways to face SELF-HARMING
- 10 ways to manage BULLYING
- 10 ways to encourage SLEEP
- 10 ways to face DEPRESSION
- 10 ways to cope with LOSS
- 10 ways to face PARENTS BREAKING UP
- 10 ways to good ATTENDANCE
- 10 ways to help with DYSCALCULA
- 10 ways to help with DYSLEXIA
- 10 ways to help your child when SEPARATING
For more information, advice, guidance and self-help resources, go to http://www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk
Dorset Mind – Contact details for a range of organisations offering 24/7 help and support https://dorsetmind.uk/help-and-support/need-urgent-help/#:~:text=Connection%2024%2F7%20Phoneline%20for,the%20Dorset%20Crisis%20Response%20Service
Active Monitoring - 6 weekly sessions of support mental health support for young people aged 11-18 years, to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing, with one of their trained practitioners https://dorsetmind.uk/what-we-offer/young-people-services/young-people-121s/
Mental Health First Aid– This school employs Mental Health First Aid trained staff. Click the link to learn more and find some resources that promote resilience in young people and adults https://mhfaengland.org/mhfa-centre/resources/for-schools/
Follow this link to find a guide to promoting resilience and wellbeing in young people http://www.actionforhappiness.org/media/530511/ten_keys_guidebook.pdf
Young Minds – We are working closely with Young Minds to audit and improve the academic resilience of those in the school community (pupils, staff, and families). Click here to access https://youngminds.org.uk/
Mind – Follow the link to find out lots of useful information on mental health issues, including self-help guides, useful sources of support and information on how to support your child https://www.mind.org.uk/ or call 0300 123 3393
Kooth - Get free, safe and anonymous support https://www.kooth.com/
Getting Grit workbook for teens – A teen friendly guide for teens and parents to work through that builds resilience. Find out more information, or buy it here (clickable link to http://www.drbaruchfeldman.com/book/)
Woebot – a free app that uses Facebook messaging service to give evidence based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in an informal and young person friendly way https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/woebot/id1305375832?mt=8
Bullying Advice for Parents-As a parent, bullying is something you will be aware of and perhaps concerned about. If you suspect your child is involved in bullying in any way (being bullied themselves or bullying others), it can be difficult to know what to do. This link has further advice and guidance from the Counselling Directory Bullying – advice for parents
ChatHealth - Sexual Health Dorset website. Young people support, information, advice and guidance on all things sexual health including; emergency contraception, STI screening, pregnancy, contraception, consent, relationships https://www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/school-nursing/chathealth
Parenting teens
Strengths based parenting – Based on a positive psychology approach to parenting, this book helps parents to examine their approach to parenting and provides useful information and guidance on parenting teens. To find out more or buy this book https://www.leawaters.com/
Setting boundaries with teens – This book is a fantastic guide to help develop your understanding of how to most effectively set healthy boundaries with teens https://www.amazon.co.uk/Boundaries-Teens-When-Say-Yes-ebook/dp/B000MAHCK4
Helping your anxious teen – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Helping-Anxious-Child-Step-step/dp/1572245751
Self help guide and work book for low mood and depression – http://www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk/depression.asp
Coping with Year 11: exams and planning a future whilst remaining happy and healthy
Getting Grit workbook for teens – A teen friendly guide for teens and parents to work through that builds resilience- particularly good in the run up to exams. Find out more information, or buy it here http://www.drbaruchfeldman.com/book/
Preparing for Exams
- ‘A useful parents guide to GCSE’s and supporting your child / mentee to prepare for exams: https://tutorful.co.uk/guides/a-parent-s-guide-to-gcses/gcses-simplified
- Young Minds advice for supporting pupils through exams: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/parents-guide-to-support-a-z/parents-guide-to-support-exam-time/
- NHS guide to coping with exam stress: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/coping-with-exam-stress/
- Government advice on supporting young people with exams: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coping-with-exam-pressure-a-guide-for-students
- Anxiety support charity website: https://uk.edubirdie.com/blog/young-people-and-anxiety
- The Purbeck School Exams link: https://www.purbeck.dorset.sch.uk/information/exams/
Exam Preparation workbook– a booklet you can work through with your child is available here
Mosaic – Follow the link to find the website that supports young people and families with grief and bereavement – http://www.mosaicfamilysupport.org.uk/
Drug, alcohol and substances
DrugWatch.com, a free web resource that informs people about medical conditions, side effects of dangerous drugs, and ways to take action. A comprehensive Children’s Health Guide that might interest you. Feel free to take a look: www.drugwatch.com/health/children/
FRANK –Friendly, confidential drugs advice http://www.talktofrank.com/
Rehab4addiction - Free addiction assessment, with links to local and national rehab clinics https://www.rehab4addiction.co.uk/country-wide/drug-alcohol-rehab-wareham
Swanage – call 07759 230313 (Salvation Army)
Wareham & Bovington call 01929 551415 (Purbeck Gateway Church)
These numbers will also be useful places with Community links who may be able to signpost to all kinds of support in their areas – practical/physical/emotional and spiritual