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Our Wessex family of schools

Student Council

The Purbeck School Student Council Mission Statement

The Purbeck School holds the belief that successful education requires active participation from staff, students and governors of the school (and other schools within the Purbeck pyramid), parents and guardians in the home, and members of the community. We believe that effective relationships are promoted through consultation, collaboration and open communication.

Purpose of the Student Council

The purpose of our student council is to encourage pupils to get involved in issues that concern them in and around school. As a council, we focus on listening to the views of pupils and we take responsibility for some aspects of school life. Put simply, the student council is a force for improving The Purbeck School.


Having a Purbeck School Student Council helps us to improve aspects of our school community by exercising our rights and accepting our responsibilities. Our discussions and decisions will help to inform improvements to the school environment and our learning.


The student council is overseen by Assistant Headteacher Mrs Watson. It draws representatives from each of the tutor groups in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. On a half termly basis, the student council will usually meet to discuss business alongside Mr Darley focusing on areas such as teaching and learning, student support; the community and extra-curricular provision in the school.

What did the Student Council achieve in 2022-2023

Last academic year, the student council were instrumental in providing valuable feedback and ideas in a number of areas of the school: embedding the core school values of kindness, aspiration and perseverance.

The Student Council worked hard on organising key events such as a non-school uniform where we raised money for the local charity #willdoes. We also supported a member of staff with raising money for the NSPCC and supported him in his pledge of running the London Marathon.

Throughout 2022-2023, the Student Council were key in providing vital student voice in developing the Personal Development Programme and Tutor Programme. Students audited topics covered and made suggestions on content they would like covered. As a result of this, we increased coverage of topics such as Andrew Tate, misogyny, vapes, and life skills such as water safety. We also introduced ‘Bold Voices’ into our tutor time programme as well as a weekly quiz, planned by our House Captains.

Further feedback from our students allowed us to amend our assembly programme to increase the number of outside speakers visiting the school and we are looking forward to welcoming Diversabilites, Bold Voices and Natassia to the school in the autumn term.

The student council were also vital in developing our canteen provision and pushed for the introduction of our breakfast café, increased the daily spend limit for students and introduced additional salad to main meals.

If you are interested in supporting or joining our student council, please contact


The Purbeck School Student Council for 2023-2024