Home Learning
Home Learning: Years 7–9
At The Purbeck School, we know completing home learning is essential to long term academic success. It allows children to extend their learning and to reinforce what has been learnt in class. Every day, all pupils should get into the positive habits of studying for around one hour. Home learning will be in three 20 minute parts:
- English: Reading Plus
- Maths: Sparx Maths
- Knowledge organiser self-quizzing
In addition, students will have the opportunity to complete enrichment projects each half-term.
Remote Learning
The resources on this page are designed to support your child in accessing their learning from home should they be required to self-isolate due to COVID-19. If you would like any support with accessing the remote learning, please email your tutor. Students should follow their normal timetable that can be found in their planner. At the correct time for each lesson load Teams.
Where can I find what work I should be completing?
- Your school work for each subject can be found in Microsoft Teams. Login to your Office 365 dashboard at www.office.com to access Teams
- Once logged in, select your subject Team.
- Your teacher will post instructions and resources in Files.
- These Working from Home guides will provide you with further information.
Working from home guide – Year 7
Working from home guide – Year 8
Working from home guide – Year 9
Working from home guide – Year 10
Working from home guide – Year 11
How will I know what to do?
- Please read the instructions from your teachers carefully.
- Work through each task one at a time.
- Makes notes where appropriate.
What should I do if I need more help?
If you are stuck for any reason, e.g. you can’t log into TEAMS or you don’t understand your work, then please email your teacher as soon as possible.
What should I do when I have finished my work?
- If you have completed your work on a computer, then please email your work to your teacher.
- If you have completed your work on paper, then please email a photo of it to your teacher.
Please don’t forget that you can always use your knowledge organiser, using Look, Cover, Write, Check, and Quizlet to self-quiz.
Enrichment Projects
Over each half term, your child will also have the opportunity to voluntarily take part in subject based Enrichment Projects and other home learning. These are aimed to stretch and challenge your child further. They are run half termly to provide an enhanced learning experience, if you are interested in that subject or would like to study it at GCSE level or above. Certificates will be awarded to celebrate achievement and effort. Further details of the projects will be provided by classroom teachers. Our project outlines can be found here:
English: Reading Plus
Our Reading Plus programme supports pupils with reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Each pupil will be given access to their own personalised library of texts based on their current reading age and skill level. In order for the programme to have a significant positive impact on pupil reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills, it is required that all pupils complete their weekly set tasks.
Pupils are provided login details by their English teacher. They are assigned five short reading assignments each week and one vocabulary assignment. Your child’s English teacher will monitor their activity each week in order to see how their skills are improving over the year and to address any gaps in class.
Maths: Sparx Maths
Sparx is an exciting online platform that personalises each pupil’s homework, creating a weekly set of questions tailored to their level of understanding and learning pace. The questions are designed to be achievable whilst offering the stretch that pupils need to make progress. Each week, homework should take around one hour. Pupils access the website using their school IT login details. Questions from previous topics will also be included so that pupils can keep practising the skills they have learned.
Each week, you will receive an email from Sparx-Maths providing information on their task progress. Please encourage your child to complete their home learning earlier in the week, and not to wait until Sunday evening!!! Your child may find some questions more challenging than others. If your child requires help and support with their home learning then please ask your child to speak to their maths teacher.
Knowledge organiser self-quizzing
Your child has been issued with a Knowledge Organiser. According to significant educational research, frequent quizzing has many benefits for long-term memory and motivation. These include connecting new learning to prior-learning, identifying gaps in knowledge and improving long term retention. Once a fortnight, subject teachers will quiz your child on the essential knowledge and skills from lessons that they are expected to learn.
Subject teachers will ask your child to note specific questions from their knowledge organiser into the home learning log. At home, using a practice exercise book, your child should revise this using the highly effective Look, Cover, Write, Check self-quizzing strategy. Please be proactive and support your child by quizzing them daily. If your child scores ‘100% − Excellence’, then house points will be assigned. If your child hasn’t learnt what is expected, then we have after school self-quizzing sessions to provide more time and practice for your child. Please can you encourage your child to bring their Knowledge Organiser and self-quizzing exercise book to school every day.
This short video helps to explain how to self-quiz to enable you to maximise your success in your home learning:
Our knowledge quiz schedule:
Home Learning Log
Found at the back of their Knowledge Organiser, your child must complete their Home Learning Log. This involves recording their attendance, ticking off when they’ve completed their English and Maths online home learning and recording how they have performed in their knowledge quizzes. As their parent, every week, please check their completed home learning tasks and their Home Learning Log.
At home, please support your child by ensuring that they have a quiet environment to do their home learning. It is important that your child gets into positive and effective study habits now so that they can fulfil their learning potential. If your child is struggling with any aspect of their home learning then please encourage them to go and see their subject teacher. Your child can also attend Study Plus, our after-school home learning club, which is held Tuesday to Thursday from 3.10 – 4.10pm in the cafe. In these sessions, we can provide a laptop if you are struggling at home with internet access.
At The Purbeck School we want to reward and celebrate hard work and effort. House points are given to all pupils who complete their reading logs, achieve 100% in their Maths home learning tasks and achieve ‘excellence’ in any knowledge quiz. We think it is important that pupils understand the importance of home learning and the study skills that it allows them to practice and grow. We know that if your child works hard and completes their home learning to a high standard every week, then they will fulfil their potential in across all of their subjects.
Home Learning: Years 10-11
At The Purbeck School, we know completing home learning is essential to long term academic success. It allows children to extend their learning and to reinforce what has been learnt in class.
Pupils receive subject specific tasks each week. We would recommend that your child should be studying for at least one hour every day. This home learning schedule is designed to spread out the days on which home learning is assigned to pupils:
KS4 Home Learning Schedule 2023-2024
The home learning schedule is designed to spread out the days on which home learning is assigned to students and should be copied into their planner.
Year 10
At The Purbeck School, we believe completing home learning is essential to the academic success of all students. It gives students the opportunity to extend their learning and to reinforce what has been learned in class. Home learning will be assigned in the following ways:
- Weekly home learning will be assigned for English, Maths and the optional GCSE subjects, the tasks should be approximately 60 mins in length.
- Science will be set by each teacher once every 2 weeks and should combine to average 60 mins per fortnight the slots on the home learning schedule are there to support the students in using their time efficiently rather than identifying the day the home learning will be assigned.
- There will be no home learning set for students in personal development, RE or PE.
Year 11
At The Purbeck School, we believe completing home learning is essential to the academic success of all students. It gives students the opportunity to extend their learning and to reinforce what has been learned in class. Home learning will be assigned in the following ways:
- Weekly home learning will be assigned for English, Maths, Science and the optional GCSE subjects, the tasks should be at least 60 mins in length.
- Science will be set by each teacher once every 2 weeks and should combine to average 60 mins per fortnight the slots on the home learning schedule are there to support the students in using their time efficiently rather than identifying the day the home learning will be assigned.
- There will be no home learning set for students in personal development, RE or PE.
Rewards and consequences
If a student achieves ‘Excellence’ then house points can be given to reward their success. If a student fails to complete the home learning that has been assigned, their teacher will firstly assign an extension to enable the student to catch up with their home learning. It is important that students stay up to date with their home learning. If this is not done, then an after-school detention will be assigned in which the student should complete home learning. After-school detentions are used as this helps to ensure that students don’t fall behind in their studies, which is why it is important that they use the time for completing home learning. If a student persistently fails to complete their home learning on time, the teacher will contact parents/carers and may ask them to attend a meeting to discuss this.
For whatever reason, if your child has been set no home learning, then they should be working independently using GCSE Revision and Independent Study booklet.
GCSE Revision and Independent Study
To help your child reach their potential in their GCSEs, we have created a GCSE Revision and Independent Study booklet. In this booklet, each subject area has put together summary of what your child could do to support their own revision.
Information includes:
- How pupils are assessed in each subject
- What revision activities your child must be completing each week to prepare for their exams
- What extra revision activities your child could be completing each week to prepare for their exams
- How pupils can get help and support
GCSE Y10-11 Revision and Independent Study Booklet 2023-24
Each subject area has also created videos to support your child to prepare for examinations in each subject. These can be found here: www.purbeck.dorset.sch.uk/information/exams-and-revision
More Able – stretch and challenge
The Purbeck School is committed to providing a sufficiently challenging curriculum for all its pupils. In addition, we will provide opportunities to identify and, in turn, nurture those who are and aspire to be academically more able.
We have created a More Able GCSE Support booklet to provide information regarding what a More Able pupil looks like in each subject area, with a focus on their behaviour and skills: