Home School Agreement
The ‘Achieving Excellence Together’ Commitment
Please complete and return this form to school. Alternatively, you can complete it online, here
We understand that this commitment to achieving excellence together will require us to have the very highest expectations of our child. We understand that the success of our child at The Purbeck School is based on a partnership between the parents and the staff that exists to create the best possible education for our pupils. If our child, and everyone associated with our child, strives to achieve excellence in every aspect of their education, the result will be a happy, safe and successful individual who will be well-placed to contribute to our community.
The Purbeck School will ensure that:
- we provide a safe and supportive environment for students to enjoy learning and achieve their full potential
- we provide a consistently high standard of teaching and model good examples of mutual respect
- students have the best possible education by providing a suitable curriculum and individual support
- we set challenging targets for students to aspire to and review them regularly
- we provide parents/ carers with regular reports and opportunity for discussion about their child’s progress
- we set regular home learning which is promptly and helpfully marked
- we contact home to praise and reward student successes
- we contact home if there are concerns about students’ behaviour, effort or attendance
- we contact home immediately if students are to be detained after the end of the school day
- we provide a wide variety ofextra-curricular activities, work experience, trips and residential visits
Parents / Carers will ensure that:
- your child attends every day, arriving before 8.40am, unless they are ill
- your child does not take extended family trips or holidays duringterm-time and schedules routine doctor’s and dentist’s appointments when school is not in session
- your child wears the correct uniform, brings a reading book and has the correct learning equipment needed for the day, including PE kit when necessary
- you support the schools’ policies and regulations on behaviour, home learning and uniform
- you provide your child with a healthy breakfast before leaving for school
- you provide a suitable environment for your child to work at home
- your child has enough sleep each night and you monitor their access to electronic devices at night
- your child completes their home learning on time and to the highest standard
- you attend parents’ evenings to discuss your child’s progress, and any other meetings arranged with your support
- your contact details areup-to-date and you let reception know if your contact details change
- you support your child in participating inextra-curricular activities, work experience, trips and residential visits
- you pay for the replacement of any equipment or books your child loses or damages
- you treat Purbeck School staff with respect and courtesy, both in school and during telephone/email conversations
Students will ensure that they:
- work hard and expect to learn in every lesson and additional activity
- adhere to our student lesson responsibilities at all times
- adhere to our school community responsibilities at all times
- behave responsibly at school, when travelling to and from school and within our local community
- complete all home learning to the highest standard and hand it in on time
- treat all adults and students with respect
- do not undermine the safety of others
- take an active part in school life including clubs, teams, trips and residential visits
Student name: | Date: | |
Student signature: | Date: | |
Parent/Carer signature: | Date: | |
Headteacher signature: | Date: |