World Book Day 2024

Celebrating World Book Day with all Year 7 students
To celebrate World Book Day, every year 7 English classes came into the library for a whole period. They enjoyed a ‘genre carousel’ to highlight the best of the library’s new stock, as well as a variety of activities including quizzes and scavenger hunts. Teachers contributed their favourite childhood reads to the library display, and all pupils in years 7-11 were given a world book day voucher. Lunch and break times have seen pupils from all year groups trying out the puzzles, and staff across the school have highlighted their current reading on their doors.
Just to add to the excitement, our very own Mrs Chengadu has had her first book published! ‘Slope the Sloth’ is the story of Slope as he navigates his way through an English country garden to gather his supper, and is a picture book for younger readers. It is of course, available from all the usual retailers – congratulations Mrs Chengadu!