Why we're raising money

The Purbeck School prides itself on offering students amazing opportunities, including being part of a large summer production.
The Purbeck School prides itself on offering students amazing opportunities including being part of a large summer production.
This year our production will be presenting Disney Mary Poppins JR and will involve at least 50 of our students acting, singing and dancing. Students attend afterschool clubs during June to start preparing for the production and then spend 8 days off timetable putting the production onto the stage and perfecting it for two evening performances for our local community.
We have decided to start up a Fundraising page due to pressure on our School budget. The School production on average costs the School £3000 more than we take in ticket sales this includes license fees, rental of costumes, rental of radio mics and cost of making or buying props and scenery.
This year we would like to raise money to reduce the impact of the production on the School budget our hope is to raise enough money to buy our own radio mics as renting these costs us between £800 and £1000 each year.
With your help and donation, you could help our School to purchase at least 16 radio mics and body packs which would be used for many years.
Our goal is to raise £3000.
If you would like to support the School in other ways for example with a donation for the raffle that we hold on each night of the production please contact The Purbeck School office at office@purbeck.dorset.sch.uk we would be able to add company logos to our production programme for your donation and would post a thank you on our School social media.