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Our Wessex family of schools

The Apprentice comes to Purbeck

Some year 9 and 10 pupils enjoyed a whole day workshop on Entrepreneurial Skills delivered by the Southern Universities Network. In teams of four, they were tasked with setting up a Festival for under 18s. They had to brainstorm ideas for a theme, design the festival site, create detailed costings to ensure revenue and profit, design a social media marketing programme for their target audience, and create logos and merchandise. The day ended with each group pitching their proposal to the judges and their fellow pupils. The judges chose ‘Flower Fest’ for their attention to detail and going above and beyond their brief, while the pupil vote went to ‘ESports’ for their creative and imaginative festival programme.

The pupils learnt what goes into creating a business venture, and what issues must be considered, as well as benefitting from the experience of team working and public speaking. The workshop leaders commented, ‘We were impressed by the work ethic, and quality of the work produced by your students – they were exceptional examples for Purbeck. We were particularly impressed by their pitches at the end of the day. I know that for most of them, that was their first time doing a presentation like that, but they did not let it show and made the judging for the best group incredibly difficult! Purbeck has set the bar very high for future SUN Entrepreneur challenges.’