The Purbeck School is confirmed as being in the top 6% of schools across the country
The Purbeck School is in the top 6% of schools in the country for the GCSE results. This is a fantastic achievement and places the school as the top performing school in Dorset, and the 385th highest placed school in the country.
The school has posted a Progress score of 0.6. This is the main benchmark by which secondary schools are judged. This means that a student at The Purbeck School is likely to achieve 0.6 of a grade higher in each subject that they take compared to the average across the country.
Adam Darley, headteacher, said, ‘Every year this school performs well against national figures, but this year has been exceptional. We knew that the results were excellent in the summer, and this shows just how good they were. We should all be very proud of being in the top 6% of schools across the country, it validates so much of what we do here, and should be celebrated. Congratulations to all of our students, parents, and staff who have worked so hard for this to happen’
To view the Department for Education website that publishes the Progress scores visit®ion=838&geographic=la&for=secondary