Report an Absence
If your child is unwell, please click here.
Is your child too ill for school?
If your child is unwell, the NHS has guidelines about when it is appropriate to keep your child off school, which we have listed below.
If your child’s illness is listed below, please click here to be taken to the online absence reporting form.
High temperature – if your child has a temperature of 38 degrees or over, they need to stay at home until their temperature has returned to normal.
Chickenpox – if your child has chickenpox then you must keep them at home until all of the spots have crusted over. This usually happens 5 days after the spots first appear.
Ear infection – if your child has a high temperature (38 degrees or over) or severe earache, keep them off school until they feel better or their temperature has returned to normal.
Hand, foot and mouth disease – your child is able to come to school with this illness, unless they feel unwell or have a high temperature (38 degrees or over). They can come back to school when they feel better or their temperature has returned to normal.
Impetigo – if your child has impetigo, they will need to be taken to see a pharmacist or GP to get some antibiotics. They can return to school 48 hrs after they have started the treatment.
Measles – if your child has measles, you need to contact your GP, and your child must stay off school for 4 days from when the rash first appears.
Scarlet fever – if your child has Scarlet fever, then they must get antibiotics from the GP. Your child can return to school 24 hrs after they’ve started any antibiotics.
Slapped cheek syndrome – once the rash appears, they are no longer contagious, so can attend school as normal.
Vomiting & Diarrhoea