Design & Technology
Why Study Product Design and Food at The Purbeck School?
Practical skills, communication, the ability to problem solve, follow strict timelines, plan, and develop ideas and constantly striving for improvement following evaluation are all at the heart of learning within Product Design and Food as well as later successes in life. At the Purbeck School, we take great pride in our ability to nurture and challenge students in all of these areas to help them to reach their potential. Through engaging lessons with thought-provoking practical lessons as well as skills and knowledge-based theory lessons, we foster an environment in which students are confident in their ability to problem solve through ideas development and evaluation of their, as well as, others work, as well as a clear understanding of materials and their working properties, material provenance etc. We promote a culture in which being incorrect at first is not failure, but striving for solutions is celebrated. Enrichment projects promote this culture outside of lessons and this work is rewarded and celebrated.
Each year we aim to enrich our curriculum by visiting the design museum, welcoming in guest speakers from within the industries that Product Design and Food could take you into, as well as setting competitions such as: The cook 5 competition for year 9 students in food and the celebration cake competition in year 10. The department also works closely with Maths, Art and Science in running the very popular STEAM club, showcasing their work in the annual Science Fare in spring term.
How is Product Design and Food taught?
KS3 – Students are taught in mixed ability classes of no more than 20 students. This works within a 7-8 week rotation where each student is taught Food, Product Design, Textiles (in year 7 &8 only) and Computing (in year 9 only). Lessons are once a week for a double lesson.
KS4 – Students are taught in mixed ability classes of no more than 20 students for 5 hours a fortnight. This includes 2 double lessons.
KS5 – Product Design only, lessons are taught in mixed ability classes of no more than 20 students for 9 hours a fortnight.
Rationale and ambition for The Purbeck School Food Curriculum:
Our Food curriculum aims to transfer a varied and enriching knowledge and understanding of key skills and knowledge within Food, by remaining up to date and delivering relevant and diverse projects, developing the cultural awareness of students at the school, through education of religious and cultural food laws, traditions, food preparation and cooking techniques.
Our Food curriculum aims to develop creative and resourceful citizens through careful project choice, reflect current issues, material developments and innovations, covering consumer trends, changing needs and technological advancements.
Our Food curriculum aims to support students in developing confidence in expressing their own views and opinions, by offering them the broadest possible range of opportunities. At the heart of this is the delivery of a curriculum which is creative and encourages students to take risk, to try new ways of looking at things by combining ingredients, techniques and skills.
Our Food curriculum aims to prepare students for work and life through the development of soft skills such as communication, time keeping/ management, teamwork, adaptability, problem solving, independence, public speaking and leadership. This is turn allows our students to be reflective, independent, resourceful, innovative and resilient problem solvers who are not afraid to fail.
Our Food curriculum aims to offer suitable challenge to students of all abilities, though encouraging evaluation, experimentation, investigation and questioning. The curriculum is accessible to all students and as a result allows students to become self-motivated, confident learners who are able to work in as part of a group of with independence.
Our Food curriculum allows students to take previously acquired knowledge from subjects, such as mathematics, science, sport and ICT and apply it to Food.
Our Food curriculum aims to develop students’ life skills and knowledge associated with healthy living, food nutrition and cooking with a focus on sustainability with the materials and techniques we use in Food.
Our Food curriculum allows for a caring, safe, inclusive, tolerant, disciplined and innovative environment which allows students to investigate, experiment and create in a safe, supportive and positive atmosphere, enabling students to reach their potential and feel proud of what they have achieved.
Rationale and ambition for The Purbeck School Design and Technology curriculum:
Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to transfer a varied and enriching knowledge and understanding of key skills and knowledge within Design and Technology, by remaining up to date and delivering relevant and diverse projects, developing the cultural capital of students at the school.
Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to develop creative and resourceful citizens through careful project choice, reflect current issues and material developments and innovations, covering consumer trends, changing needs and technological advancements.
Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to support students in developing confidence in expressing their own views and opinions.
Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to prepare students for work and life through the development of soft skills such as communication, time keeping, teamwork, adaptability, problem solving, independence, public speaking and leadership.
Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to offer suitable challenge to students of all abilities.
Product Design-Long Term Overview
Food Key Concepts
Food: Key concepts:
- Food Preparation Skills 3.1 – understanding and applying the 12 practical skills of AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition.
- Food, nutrition and health 3.2 – understanding the link between good nutrition and health.
- Food science 3.3 – understanding the functional and chemical properties of food and cooking.
- Food safety 3.4 – understanding the importance of food safety in preventing food poisoning and prolonging the shelf life of food.
- Food choice 3.5 – understanding the factors affecting food choice.
- Food provenance 3.6 – understanding where food has come from, how it is produced and its impact on the environment.
Product:Key concepts:
The concepts that The Purbeck School Design and Technology curriculum aims to support student progression in are:
- Understanding core technical principles (3.1)
- Understanding specialist technical principles (3.2)
- Understanding designing and making principles (3.3)
Useful Links:
- AQA Design and Technology GCSE: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/design-and-technology/gcse/design-and-technology-8552
- AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/food/gcse/food-preparation-and-nutrition-8585
- Pearson Product Design A level: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/design-technology-product-design-2017.coursematerials.html#filterQuery=category:Pearson-UK:Category%2FSpecification-and-sample-assessments
Food Long Term Overview
KS3 Long Term Overview
Year 7 Projects
Subject | Module |
Food | 1. Healthy eating including lower fat, salt and sugar content of food and increasing fibre as well as focusing on basic practical skills |
Food | 2. Food for your family, making dishes that meet the needs of your family and increasing practical skills |
Textiles | 1. Dream catcher, learning about material bonding methods |
DT | 1. Desk tidy, using a range of timbers used and HIPs to vacuum form |
DT | 2. Maze made of wood and acrylic, working on practical skills and planning |
Year 8 Projects
Subject | Module |
Food | 1. Food choice, target groups and nutritional needs |
Food | 2. Food provenance, including organic, free range, fair trade and local produce |
Textiles | 1. Sock monkeys, improving practical skills such as use of sewing machines and completing product analysis |
DT | 1. Storage box- wooden with inlays of acrylic and plywood |
DT | 2. USB light made from pine and acrylic with electric circuits. |
New Technologies (X Year half only) | 1. Global goals and snack packaging. |
Year 9 Projects
Subject | Module |
Food | 1. British and international cuisine, including a focus on cooking techniques, ingredients and equipment from other countries and cultures. |
Food | 2. Nutrition and healthy eating, this project gives more freedom to explore the nutritional content of foods and includes the cook 5 competition. |
DT | 1. Modelling and designing a task light, influenced by the work of others. |
DT | 2. Influence of others in design |
New Technologies (X Year half only) | 1. Pewter project and 3D printing. |