The Purbeck School Uniform Policy
Parental support is required to ensure that all students are well presented. We have high expectations for our standard of dress as it sets the expectation for work and behaviour and projects a positive image of the school in the community.
It is expected that all students will take responsibility for their personal hygiene and arrive dressed in a clean, tidy and respectable manner. We ask parents to support the role in creating a sense of belonging to the school.
Parents are asked not to purchase items of clothing for school which do not appear in the list below. If you are in any doubt or difficulty, please contact the school and discuss the problem with your child’s House Leader.
We reserve the right to sanction or send a student home who does not comply with our uniform rules.
MAKE UP – Must be discreet. This must be removed if requested by a member of staff.
NAIL POLISH – Must be clear. No coloured tips/ patterns, designs or false nails. Nails should be,
approximately no more than 3mm long for health and safety reasons. False nails or varnish must be removed if requested by a member of staff.
JEWELLERY – The ONLY jewellery permissible is a wrist watch, one ring, one chain (worn under
the shirt). Facial/tongue and body piercings, of any kind, are not acceptable even if they are
covered up. Transparent studs or spacers of any kind are unacceptable. If students have pierced ears, only single plain studs may be worn in school. Only ONE stud in each ear. No other form or ornamentation is permitted.
HAIRSTYLES – Must be neat and tidy and of a single natural colour. It should not be excessively short. Extremes of fashion are not permitted.
Uniform item | Requirements |
Blazer | Navy school blazer with school badge |
Shirt | White collared shirt with a top button. Must be tucked in. |
Tie | Purbeck School tie. |
Jumper | Purbeck School V- neck jumper (optional item). No other type of jumper/sweatshirt is permitted. |
Trousers / Skirt /shorts | Purbeck School skirt at knee length OR tailored grey shorts OR standard fit dark grey (not black) school trousers. Skinny/slim fit are not permitted. Items are available from our recommended designated school retailers AF Joys in Wareham and PMG in Poole. |
Socks/tights | Plain white, grey, black or skin coloured as appropriate. |
Shoes | Plain, ALL black, low heeled smart, leather or leather like school shoes. Sandals, soft or canvas shoes, trainers, open backed shoes and shoes with logos are not permitted. No sports brands. Shoes should be sturdy and practical. |
Coats | If worn, must be worn over the top of the blazer. No hoodies to be worn on the school site - this includes playgrounds. No outdoor coats to be worn inside the school building. |
Extra items | No coloured or visible tops may be worn under shirts. Plain white t-shirts or vests are, however acceptable. BELTS must be plain, black and unobtrusive. SCARVES may not be worn as an accessory without outdoor wear. HEADGEAR No hats or caps may be worn in the school building. |
Tie | Purbeck School tie. |
PE Uniform |
T shirt (Black/red with logo) - Compulsory with logo for boys and girls |
¼ zip training top (Black/red with logo) - Compulsory with logo for boys and girls |
Black no logo football socks. |
Choice of shorts, skort or leggings Shorts (Black shorts) Skort (Black with logo) Falcon sports Leggings (Black, logo on left thigh) |
Optional Rugby shirt (Red/Black non logo) |
Sixth Form Dress Code
You are not required to wear uniform in the Sixth Form but there are guidelines concerning clothes and accessories. You should wear clothes which are suitable for studying in and would be classed as ‘smart / casual’ . The school is a working environment so carefully consider what is appropriate, this means that clothing should be smart, modest and worn with dignity. Minimal jewellery /accessories should be worn.
Dress code:
- Shorts, skirts and dresses must be on or below the knee
- Shorts must be smart
- Straps on tops/dresses must be wide enough to cover any undergarments and cover the shoulder You are NOT permitted to wear the following items as they are considered inappropriate and do not present a professional image: –
- Very short shorts, skirts or dresses — with or without tights/leggings
- Leggings can only be worn if there is a skirt or dress covering them to midthigh length
- Cropped and/or strappy or strapless tops/very low tops
- Clothing containing inappropriate slogans
- Flip flops
- Jogging bottoms
- Ripped clothing
- Board shorts
- Inappropriate jewellery, including very obvious facial piercings
- Hair must be a natural colour.
There may be occasions when an item or manner of dress not listed above is deemed inappropriate. In these circumstances, a member of the Sixth Form team or your tutor will speak to you. There may also be occasions when very formal dress
code is required. If you are in any doubt speak to your tutor/member of the Sixth Form team.
Uniform Suppliers
PMG Schoolwear
85 High Street
Dorset BH15 1AM
AF Joy
35 North Street
Dorset BH20 4AD
AF Joys – reopening for school uniform
Pre Loved uniform
The Purbeck Schools Pre Loved uniform sale takes place in July where there are a selection of items of uniform including, ties, shirts, jumpers, skirts, trousers and blazers, these are not priced as all we ask are affordable donations. Parents can email or call the School Office or Student Services to enquire at any other time to find out if we have stock of what they need.
Please note that Purbeck School ties can only be purchased from the school, thus reducing their cost to £6. Ties will be on sale from the school reception.
If you have any questions about your child starting at the Purbeck School please do not hesitate to ring the school.
School equipment
At The Purbeck School, all teachers want students to be ready and fully equipped for every lesson. Having the right equipment for school every day helps to ensure lessons start smoothly and more learning takes place. Please can you support us by ensuring your child has everything that they may require.
All students must have the following equipment:
- 2 black or blue pens
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Eraser
- Knowledge organiser
- Reading book
- PE kit (for Sport lessons)
- Cooking ingredients (for Food Technology lessons)
In addition, students may require:
- Calculator
- Glue stick
- Purple pen
- Red pen
- Pencil sharpener
- Set of colouring pencils
At the start of the year, we provide each child with a mini-whiteboard and board pen. This is so that teachers can check student understanding at different points in the lesson.
If your child needs new equipment, then they can buy what they need from our Student Services.