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Careers Provision at The Purbeck School

We deliver our careers programme through activities within the personal development curriculum, combined tutorials, assemblies, workshops, events and visits to colleges, universities & places of work to ensure that we fully meet the needs of each individual student.

The Gatsby Benchmarks are blended with our school vision of “Kindness, Aspiration and Perseverance” to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices about their future. We have excellent relationships with local employers and ex-students who return to support our current students through presentations, mentoring, mock interviews and work experience opportunities.

The Baker Clause

The Baker Clause is an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act 2017 which states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to all students in years 8-13 to talk to them about non-academic routes which are available to them post 18.
The provisions made at The Purbeck School are detailed in our Provider Access Policy.
In summary, all students at The Purbeck School have the opportunity to learn about alternative access routes into employment, including vocational qualifications and apprenticeships via tutor times and curriculum activities which include; assemblies, tutorials, Unifrog, work experience and career enrichment opportunities.

Please feel free to contact our Careers Team on email:

Carly Watson: Assistant Headteacher with SLT responsibility for Careers

Maria Beale: Careers & Work Experience Co-ordinator