Introduction from Mr Darley (Headteacher)
A few words from the headteacher
Take a tour
Transition Events:
We know that transitioning to secondary school can seem a daunting and overwhelming experience. With this in mind, we have arranged transition events that will hopefully put your mind and the mind of your child at ease. Please see more information below.
Transition Day:
Transition day, for all students, is on Thursday 4th July 2024. This day is a chance for the students to meet their tutor and tutor group and become familiar with The Purbeck School which will, hopefully, ease any concerns they may have about joining us. They will have another similar transition day when they join us in September – this day will be mainly spent with their tutor and tutor group and they will be the only year group, attending on that day.
There will be two parent transition evenings prior to this day: Monday 1st July 2024 for those who will join Kestrel and Kingfisher Houses and Tuesday 2nd July 2024 for students who will be in Skylark and Swift Houses. These evenings will give parents the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school and meet key members of the pastoral team.
Alongside this, extra transition is taking place for students with Educational Health Care Plans and students that are particularly vulnerable.
Please email office@purbeck.dorset.sch.uk with any enquiries, regarding extra transition.
School visits:
To try and further alleviate anxiety, about the transition to secondary school, we aim to visit each primary school and meet the students prior to the transition day. This visit will include a virtual presentation about the school and a virtual tour of the grounds and facilities. It will be an opportunity for them to ask any questions that they may have.
Should you have any questions about the transition, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you and your children to The Purbeck School.