Health and Social Care
OCR Cambridge Technicals
This course helps students to understand the impact of health and social care policy and legislation on real people. Students will learn about the key features of different types of relationships in health, social care and child care settings including how a person centred approach supports positive relationships.
Students will learn that, in order to survive and stay healthy, we have to detect and respond to changes not only in our external environment but also in our bodies. They will learn about the risks associated with poor infection control and the legislation that aims to keep the public free from infections. The chain of infection and the methods for controlling its spread are studied.
This course involves studying sexual health and the types of contraception that are available. Students will study the development of the foetus and stages of pregnancy.
Students will study a range of psychological theories representing the different approaches to explaining behaviour and health. The mind body connection plus how patients cope with illness and chronic conditions is studied to help students’ knowledge and understanding.
The course will enable students to promote positive behaviour and de-escalate situations. Students will also learn how to support individuals with long term physiological conditions including the types, causes and effects.
OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care
Exams x 3 (two in year 12, one in year 13) Coursework x 3 (one in year 12, two in year 13)
58% Exam: 32% Coursework
Year 12
- Unit 1 – Building positive relationships in health and social care (Course work)
- Unit 2 – Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care (EXAM)
- Unit 3 – Health, safety and security in health and social care (EXAM).
Year 13
- Unit 4 – Anatomy and physiology for health and social care (EXAM)
- Unit 10 – Nutrition for health (Course work)
- Unit 13 – Sexual health, reproduction and early development stages (Course work)
For further information contact
Miss Stewart cstewart@purbeck.dorset.sch.uk or Mrs Armstrong barmstrong@purbeck.dorset.sch.uk