Student Voice

Throughout the course of the spring term, members of the Senior Leadership Team visited a number of tutor groups in years 7, 8 and 9 to provide students with the opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences of our school and ask questions on decisions that SLT make, regarding the running of the school. Students, across all year groups, came up with some fantastic questions and ideas. We have outlined the main themes below and what actions will be taken as a result.
We look forward to visiting year 10 tutor groups later this half term.
You Said | We Did |
The food in the canteen is too expensive. | We have done a lot of work with Aspens on the pricing of our food items. They have introduced a meal deal to help increase what you can get for your money. As you all know, cost of food has increased significantly over the past year and they have had to increase their prices to reflect this. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything else to the pricing of the food |
Increase the amount of house competitions and inter house events. |
We currently have inter-house sport once a term. This school year, we have had house competitions for: Show Racism the Red Card, Anti-bullying and Red Nose Day. Next year, we will increase the amount of house competitions to one a half term, they will be linked to different subjects and you will be given time in tutor time to take part it any competitions that you would like to. We would like some more student voice on what competitions you would like. |
Can we have badges to show which house we belong to? | The school is looking at introducing ‘house ties’ where you ties will have a coloured strip in to show which house you are in. These designs will be sent round shortly and you can vote for which tie you prefer. |
The awarding of house points and super 7s is really inconsistent. |
The student council have been working with Mr Hunt & Mr Mead on a new reward system which you will hear about very shortly! |
We would like more trips. | There will be a rewards trip at the end of the year for top house point earners; we will also look at how we can offer trips in line with the new reward structure. Trips can cost quite a lot of money for families, especially when we are living in a cost of living crisis. We will audit the trips we currently offer to show you what opportunities there are for you. |
Can we change afternoon reading, introduce non-fiction texts and not read every day? |
Reading every day has huge benefits for you now and in the future! It really is so important. Mrs Watson will liaise with Mr McNaughton, who leads the literacy programme across the school, and see if we can introduce some non-fiction texts and make small changes to the reading programme. We will keep you informed of this. |
We would like more non-uniform days. | You have had 2 non-uniform days so far this year. We are hoping to link ‘non-uniform days’ to both the new rewards system and our house competitions. After the success of our red nose day campaign, and donations to the local food bank, we hope to do this once a term. |
Year 9 / 10: We would like to learn about money and taxes in Personal Development. | Your unit for this half term in on budgeting, taxes, pay slips and employment law. |
The school grounds have a lot of litter on them. | Our Summer term 1 campaign is going to be on looking after the environment. We are going to introduce a litter picking rota for tutor groups as looking after the school environment is all our responsibility. |
Personal Development topics are too repetitive. | Each half term, you learn about a new topic – there is a never a repeated topic. Each year, you learn something new on that topic so that your knowledge is developed year on year. We will make sure that your assembly topic, isn’t the same as your PD topic that you are currently learning about |
We would like to learn about key events both locally and globally. | Your Bold Voices tutor time session, is always linked to this. You have covered topics such as: the conflict in Gaza, banning of mobile phones, Ramadan, controversy around the England Euro shirt etc |